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Start with our free 15-day coaching course now!

the three steps to success


Most people, when they want to get in shape, they think much too mechanical. They think of their bodies as some kind of machine, you treat maybe with a special diet or exercise regime and you are getting the results you want.

But that is science based on the 18th century! In reality your body is much more, you are much more than this antique concept. Your body is the most ingenious and intelligent object on this planet.

Let me explain: When we buy things, more than 80% of our purchasing decisions, we do by our emotions, our gut feelings. Successful people are often said to have the right instinct. In what we do and in what we are, we are guided far more by our gut than by our brain. We often say: Go by your gut feeling – and this is not just a saying. There is convincing medical evidence behind it, because in the gut region, there is not only the core to our survival, our immune system, but also a dense network of nerve cells and connections. And eastern wisdom has known this for a long time and they call this spot the Solar Plexus. And this Solar Plexus – it also decides about your figure, and that is why we have developed a systematic training with which we work on the power of our Solar Plexus. This training we call the Mind-Solar Plexus Control (MSC). And you will not only learn the techniques how to energize and control your Solar Plexus, but mastering this technique will lead you to eat and train instinctively right!

„Γνῶθι σεαυτόν“ Discover yourself!

This invitation was read by pilgrims two and a half thousand years ago on a column of the Temple of Apollo in the Oracle of Delphi. In his “Pythian Odes” the ancient poet Pindar went the same route – he gave the following advice to his readers “Become who you are!”.

So let me invite you to embark on a fascinating journey, with DesignYou, a journey to yourself, to your deepest inner self. Come on and find your holy grail at a spot where few people look. Unveil it deep down inside of you. We would like to invite you to the probably most fascinating and fullfilling journey that a human being can take – to truly recognize yourself and to become a powerful creator of yourself! I promise you – it will be the best thing that can happen to you in your life!

And it is a journey structured in 3 stages:





How do we think, how do we feel, what do we think about ourselves, what is our identity? Is there a difference between who you are and who you would like to be? And that is your qualities, your character, your body, your figure… One thing is for sure: there is much more in almost every human being, every human being has far more power than he or she is aware of. But there are so many things, that block us, that steel so much energy, focus and success. How your life evolves, what things happen to you, which goals you might reach or not reach, all that doesn´t have much to do with your brain – most of it lies hidden in your subconscious mind and in the Power of your Solar Plexus! And therefore let me invite you to a systematic way to awaken your inner power, to eliminate those things, that rob you of so much of your true potential. Let us break your shackles and embark on a journey to success!


We all want to feel good – and that also depends on how good we feel in our body, a body in which we spend 24 hours a day. If we do not feel good in ourselves, in our body, then there is a great danger that we will go in search of substitute satisfactions, then we devote our energy to things that give us only superficial satisfaction, such as food. Years of research and development ultimately show: your figure is far more a product of your mind than most people think. And the moment you have shaped your mind, you are able to shape your figure from the inside out with the power of the mind, easily, effortlessly and above all permanently!


The moment we have shaped our minds and bodies to our liking, our lives, relationships and jobs will improve by itself. Many people focus on this third stage, neglecting the first two stages. But this is dangerous, because doing this, we may have fun in the short term, perhaps become richer in possessions, gain more wealth, but you may still feel uncomfortable and perhaps even a little torn inside. If you are not in harmony with yourself you maybe chasing the wrong goals. But the moment we have not only created a solid basis with design your mind and design your body, but have penetrated deep into our innermost being, we make different decisions at one point or another and we are able to achieve much more in our lives, to reach our goals, even our life goals!

Do we have your interest now?

Then start with a free 15-day coaching course now!

Do we have your interest now?

Then start with a free 15-day coaching course now!