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mission statement
Let´s start a revolution!
Arnold Schwarzenegger started a fitness movement. Some tried to follow in his path, many to follow his example. But most do not understand Arnold. Arnold designed his mind first. Oftentimes he has been stressing the importance of the mind. And his bodybuilding career was just a means to a different end. Not everybody can become Hollywood´s best paid actor or a Governor.
But everybody can design his life to become a gorgeous journey to success. But especially in the fitness industry many go by completely wrong priorities. With what they do to their body, they ruin their mind and put havoc on their bodies, they destroy the very foundation of the success they are looking for. But for the most, the example that has been set is something they feel not able to follow. And this is true, because the current approach demands too much effort for too less effect. And that is why we need to use a totally different approach. So if you are looking to improve your shape, your fitness, your figure, you better forget about what you heard. And even if many things by themselves are true, they are to no avail, if they are put out of context or prioritized the wrong way.
So let´s do it right and start with the foundation of everything, and that is your mind. And with your mind you can design your body. And if you experience, what you can do your body, you will be able to use the same principles to design your life the way you want it to be. And that is why I am so sure, that going on this program will be the most important, beneficial and best decision you have ever made! So start the revolution – within yourself! Start it NOW!
Let´s be comprehensive and holistic!
DesignYou opens up a whole new ballgame of fitness & weight management
DesignYou is a super comprehensive Personal Coaching system, that opens up a whole new ballgame of fitness & weight management and much more! DesignYou is a comprehensive, holistic and after all revolutionary System for you to achieve another level of success! DesignYou offers you a package of Personal Coaching features, that is unparalleled. All that comes in a cookie cutter system so easy to apply, that any child can do it.
Let us create success!
There is one iron basic principle of success, and that is, that everything depends on your energy. Imagine a body temperature of a 104 degrees. You are all out of energy, and it´s a tough one to get to the bathroom. On the other hand – the more energy you got, the more you can achieve. The next level is know-how. You have to know what to do, to achieve success. And then you gotta focus.
And that is why we will make sure, that doing the DesignYou program you will gain an immense burst of energy. Listening to the audios, answering questions, getting evaluations and creating awareness, you will gain more know-how, and especially more valuable know-how, than any university degree can give you. And in the end we will do anything and everything to focus your actions on your goal and make your big shot reality!
Let´s learn quickly!
You wanna open up a whole new world for you, to learn and achieve? Well, there are many that know what to do, but don’t do what they know. Getting information alone is of no use to you. We all suffer from information overload. A huge problem is how to prioritize things, like what is more and what is less important, and everything you hear you gotta adapt to your personal situation. And if you hear things, it doesn´t mean that you really understand them correctly, and what you understand is on your mind, but that doesn´t mean that it stays there, and even if things stay on your mind, this doesn´t really help you if it does not become flesh and blood, second nature. So coaching isn´t easy at all. And watching Youtube Videos or reading a book mostly doesn´t help much. And that´s why we developed a sophisticated coaching system. A system you can rely on. A system that delivers real results!
- Audio coaching
- Motivation Coaching
- Questionary to deepen information
- Adapt information to your personal experiences
- Evaluations to deepen your understanding
- Creating Awareness and Self Reflection System
- Learning new techniques
- Practicing that techniques
- Anchoring new knowledge in your subconscious (MSC-Technique)
- Reward System
- Constant progress analyses
- AI controlled Mental training
- Didactic process in small and easy to attainable steps
- Individual learning speed
Let us create a vast amount of energy!
What you achieve always depends on your energy levels. The more energy you have, the more success potential you have. The actual problem however is, that everyday life nowadays is dramatically overflowing with energie thieves, both physically as also mentally. By removing those energy thieves we will create an immense burst of energy. Setting out for a weight loss program for example many feel, that this is costing them even more energy. And that is why we turn our approach to working out upside down. With DesignYou working out is primarily geared to open up new sources of energy for you, to make you feel even more energetic. And besides that, with the MSC-technique alone we tap another incredible fountain of energy, you will learn to activate at the snap of a finger!
Let´s make use of the body-mind connection!
You certainly know the saying: “Mind over matter”, and it is absolutely mind blowing, to see, what people can do with the power of their mind. Look at Mirin Dajo for example: This guy was able to not only survive being run through with a sword, he didn´t even feel pain! He put his finger on the wound and it disappeared. And he is by far not the only one to perform incredible things. Now imagine you´d only be able to use a tiny fraction of his capability. Certainly you wouldn´t wanna try having yourself stabbed with a sword. But Mirin Dajo is the master example of mind over matter.
For many people working out is just going through the motions, doing something to stay in shape, some even distract themselves from themselves watching television while doing cardio, or constantly playing with their mobile during a workout. That is an incredible waste of success potential. And that is why we need to end this misconceptions of a mechanical body, and enter the realm of the body-mind connection. With DesignYou, you will learn to train your body with your mind and your mind with your body. So, let´s turn the world of fitness and weight management upside down together!
Let´s target the power of your subconscious mind
Why does Elon Musk like to take long showers? Have you ever racked your brain over a problem, but couldn´t solve it, slept over it und suddenly it was there, the solution? Have you ever tried to remember something, a name for example, couldn´t find it, then let go and suddenly it popped into your mind? And how did that happen, getting solutions not thinking about it? That´s the power of your subconscious mind! Most people don´t actively think about that, but your subconscious mind is an incredible treasure of knowledge – it is there to help you, to support you, yet seemingly nobody cares.
Moreover most people even actively ruin this great asset of theirs, this power! Once you understand, how the subconscious works, you might even go into shock how people can do that to themselves! But now, just imagine, you´d get a way presented, how to harness this incredible power, how to train your capability to make use of this awesome power everybody has, but so few really use. And that is yet another life changing reason, why you absolutely should go on the program, on DesignYou!
Let us create real science together!
This world is run under the dictates of science. But everybody knows, that scientific research needs to be paid for. So who is paying for that? For what reason? In most cases, there are financial interests behind the research. So is current scientific believe to benefit you, or to benefit those who paid for it, looking for some gain, making money? It often goes by “what must not be that cannot be”. So in many people there is more and more doubt rising in what is to believe and what is not to believe. And that is why with DesignYou we have been creating our own system of research and study.
And it´s only goal is to benefit you! Because we are fed up with being told lies. And that´s why we are tracking and analyzing an almost uncountable number of vital and mental parameters, and we are checking up upon progress people make. And we are sworn to absolute transparency. Our philosophy is centered around the maxim, that life is a lifelong journey to learn. And with everybody joining the program, going through the motions we do increase our potential to learn, to learn to a constantly greater extent how the human body and mind really work and how they interact. And this knowledge again will benefit everyone. S
So please join and let us create real science together!
Let us heal ourselves!
In the U.S., nearly one in five earned dollars goes into the healthcare system. But what is the healthcare system? If you look at veterinary medicine, research is absolutely geared to keep animals healthy, because their owner makes money with healthy animals. In human medicine research is geared to treat symptoms of illness, because the healthcare systems or better sickcare system makes money with sick people. But if that wasn´t already bad enough, the real damage is poised somewhere else, because behind every illness there is personal misfortune or even pain. And what´s more, sick people cannot perform the same as healthy people.
So this situation is constantly giving people and our society, our economy and our wealth a dramatic blow. And that is why we need to end this. And that is why one of or primary goals is, to create much more awareness for you, how your body really works, to give you access to the great power that lies dormant in you, to support you to make use of your mental powers and to activate the body mind connection, to cleanse your body and mind and to fuel you with incredible energy. And by doing that you will see, that most of the ailments you might incur will vanish into thin air. So, let´s do this together and create real healing, healing from within! So please, start your DesignYou journey now!
Let us heal the world!
If you wanna understand the world, you gotta discern the pattern hidden behind things. If you wanna develop a good software system, you always have to strip things down to the most abstract pattern. So it is all about patterns. And this world is run by the pattern of “divide and conquer”, because that is the fundamental most effective way to gain power. And again in this world is all about power and money. But the divide and conquer principle does not only apply to nations, to our social environment, it goes deep down to the very self, to the individual. And the more people are deeply split in themselves, the more they do have problems with themselves, the more this is mirrored into their environment, and again reflected by the people that surround them. And this is the very core of many conflicts and fighting we are experiencing. So, if everybody is more in harmony with themselves, this is the basic pattern to create a better world.
Here goes the saying: If you wanna change the world – start with yourself. And that is DesignYou. That is the very core of DesignYou. That is the way to get to the real power of the heart, to in the end harness the power of love. So let me invite you to be part of this program, part of this movement, and let´s create a better world together!
Let´s make it easy!
All this feels like being a little too much to you? Do you feel overwhelmed when you look at all the software features? Too complex? Too complicated?
Well it is not. Not at all! Because DesignYou is based on the DesignYou Coaching principle. And that could not be easier. It works like a cookie cutter. You open your App, your task board, and click on your first task, and that is just listen to the Audio. After that you answer a couple of questions. You get some evaluations. You go back to your taskboard and there might be another task for you, or you are done for today and for tomorrow you will find another task. You wanna do it quicker or slower? If you wanna go slower, just stop where you are and start again, whenever you feel ready. You wanna go quicker? Then you might wanna do two days (chapters) at one day. Day by day we gain knowledge, understanding and awareness, and everthing new is kept simple, explained thoroughly and in an easy way, so every kid can do it.
DesignYou is made for you to enjoy. So start your program now and just enjoy!
“My need for sleep reduced … I’m much more efficient, I’m faster at work and productivity is higher, results are better.”
This is just one of Mike’s successes while working with and on DesignYou. Want to learn more about what’s possible with the program?
Then start with a free 15-day coaching course now!
“My need for sleep reduced … I’m much more efficient, I’m faster at work and productivity is higher, results are better.”
This is just one of Mike’s successes while working with and on DesignYou. Want to learn more about what’s possible with the program?
Then start with a free 15-day coaching course now!