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Super simple – In the DesignYou task board of your app you will always find the next steps to take. Just click and go. DesignYou guides you step by step to your personal goals. (Steps can be: coaching videos, coaching audios, questions, evaluations that are ready for you). And this means for you, that you can rely on your AI coach- it always tells you what your next individual step is and you just have to click it! Completing a task is as easy as childs play.
You should take at least 3x 30 minutes per week, but you can always do more or less, as you like. Just decide what you want and your coach adapts to your individual pace. Depending on how much time you are investing each week, the whole coaching process will be longer or shorter. You will see the first progress in a very short time. In order to create a lasting, a sustainable success, you should definitely give yourself 1 year.
First of all, it’s about your mental power your motivation: Listen to motivational audios, answer a couple of questions, increase your awareness, and learn how to control and direct your body and figure with your mind.
Beside the mental training there is of course also training & nutrition. Your intelligent digital coach is constantly assessing and calculating your demands and needs and as you progress your individual success plan constantly evolves and gets more and more perfection. And this also applies to your training & nutrition strategy. But it´s up to you to implement it – and you always have the option to adapt any planning to what you might think suits you. So we squared the circle for you – meaning you can enjoy perfect AI planning, but also be flexible as you want, if you have developed a deep body awareness and you have developed the capability of instinctive acting.
One way to improve his figure is sports and diet. But this way is not very intelligent. Because your body, fitness, figure and health are much better achieved with mental power. This is at least 70% of your success. Success is always created in the mind. Every competitive athlete knows that. Many who want to lose weight with diet and sports are basically fighting against the pounds. With DesignYou we don’t fight anymore, we bring body and mind in harmony! Together we are removing open and hidden energy drains, and in the same run we also open up great sources of additional energy, we focus that energy, combine it with supreme know-how and by doing this, we will create rock bottom success for you!
Behind DesignYou is a complicated algorithm, an artificial intelligence that has been developed over 12 years with thousands of test subjects. This algorithm analyzes your individual requirements and develops the optimal individual success plan for you. Combined with highly effective mental coaching, reconditioning and reprogramming of your genetic code, you are headed for the greatest success ever!
For the first time in history of sports science, training, nutrition, diet and shaping your body, DesignYou brings together the components Mind & Body, Training and Nutrition forming it into a holistic system, a holistic success system. Applying this ultimate strategy, together we will enter the realm of unparalleled efficiency and we will potentiate the effect of everything you do, you put in, and by doing this, we will achieve results that you never thought possible.
To be honest with you – way too many to list them here (so please check out DesignYou Features).
But, what´s really awesome, is, that despite a truckload of features this App is so easy to use. Just think of any advanced computer program you might know, like MS Excel or MS Word for example. Everybody is using those programs, but probably there are not many users who even know half of the features that are in there. And that is why we went a different route with DesignYou. You can imagine the use of DesignYou like calling up your Personal Coach. He just tells you exactly what to do and guides you through each step.
Why is a bear strong? Because he trains a lot with weights? Why is a gazelle slim?
Because it is on a strict diet? Why can some people eat what they want and still be slim?
Because they have the right genetics! And why do so many people want to lose weight with diet and exercise? Because no one has ever explained to them, that this is bullshit (sry). But every person can, if he wants to, change his genetics everybody can be slim by nature. And how does that work? Do DesignYou and you will experience it! You will reap more rewards than you can imagine right now. I promise!
No, DesignYou is not really about losing weight! It’s simply about reprogramming your body to be slim. You do not need to lose weight, you should not lose weight! Yes, whoever wants to lose weight has already made a gigantic mistake. For heaven’s sake, you must not want to lose weight. What we do is, we get you the body and the personality of a naturally slim, a healthy a fit person. And in the end, these results, things like preventing illness, getting rid of health problems (if that applies for you) , results like gaining more self esteem, gaining mental power, being more successful in your life – will even get your greater results, than you might be looking for.
Everybody has much, much, much more potential than they commonly realize. The same is for you! Just think of a drowning person, who suddenly has 3 times more power than normal. Now science tells us that these are so-called “autonomous reserves”. That is nonsense! That is pseudo science, that leads you astray, robs you of your real potential! Just think about wildlife animals, like zebras for example. This response is more or less the only response they show out there when there is something to respond, so, when some threat comes up like a couple of hungry lions… Autonomic reserves are not autonomous, and the adrenaline of the life-threatening situation is only one way we can access them. Autonomous reserves are nothing more than energy reserves, hidden potentials that lie dormant in you and that we will awaken so that you can achieve your goals on autopilot, super simple!
Everything you achieve in life, you achieve through energy. Without energy, you would be dead. Experiencing 104 degrees body temperature, you know what it means to be really low in energy. Unfortunately, there are many energy thieves in our lives. Unnoticed. Subconscious ones. They suck your energy potentials empty, without you even noticing it, how much you really miss! And that’s why one of or primary tasks is to kill those energy thieves first, send ´em to hell! And we will use the most efficient strategies to flood your body and your mind with energy. And once you are on it, you will see how much is really possible for you. Even if you cannot imagine that right now, but there is a good chance for you to reach a point, where you think the world belongs to you.
Most people exercise just in order to get fit or to do something for their figure. You can do that, but it’s not too smart. Body and mind mirror each other. And that’s where we are hitting it: With the physical training we train our mind, our mental power and by doing our mental training we work on our body. We turn the previous principles completely upside down. Once you have made your way through the coaching, you will exactly see, why this makes absolute sense!
Yes, we went through more than 10 years of analysis and medical research in our own labs. And the result of this research is ground breaking – it clearly proves – the current training and nutrition theory is flawed – and these flaws are the reason why so many people do not achieve their goals. So it is one of our primary goals to make an end to that!
Quite the opposite. DesignYou has nothing to do with bodybuilding. We are guided by the principle: Pump your mind – not your body. You don’t even need a gym to do DesignYou. You are not bound to anything. You are absolutely flexible. Our training program is based on the absolute minimum of what you should exercise in order to stay healthy!
You can find the prices on this page.
If you would hire a real coach to do everything DesignYou does for you, it would probably cost you more than $ 10.000.-, if you were able find a suitable coach at all. But besides that, what you gain will be worth far more than this sum, that scarcely buys you a meal. And this is because you are facing a good chance that your professional and financial situation will improve drastically due to the gains on the personality level, so that in the end, this investment in yourself will turn out to be the best investment ever, because it will also improve your financial situation noticeably.
So, take a look around and check out if you can find a better investment opportunity anywhere!
According to the DesignYou philosophy, we are committed to the ethically correct use of your data.
This means that this data will be used purely and exclusively for the purpose of increasing the benefits for you as a user. Data will not be resold or given to third parties. Since we know from our own extensive research how often studies are conducted purely for the purpose of sales promotion and opinion forming, and often deliver falsified or even false results, we have dedicated ourselves to the mission of creating a system with which we ourselves conduct studies on the effectiveness and have set ourselves the goal of achieving a permanent improvement of the DesignYou Coaching System, that is, the coaching recommendations you receive.
The expert AI behind DesignYou is very different from the currently rampant DL AI (Deep Learning AI / Artificial Intelligence). While expert knowledge is the basis of the AI in DesignYou, DL AI is initially a “dumb” AI that constantly learns through the correction instructions of the users. This bears the immense risk, especially when a broad base of users uses this DL AI, that the DL AI absorbs the knowledge of the users and overtakes all users in a short time in terms of knowledge, thus replacing humans as know-how carriers, making them unnecessary. We therefore clearly and explicitly distance ourselves from the use of such methods. Moreover it is important to note, that the DesignYou AI is much better than the DL AI, because whenever the majority of users make their decisions based on false assumptions (which is especially the case in the Training / Nutrition / Mental Abilities segment) due to the currently existing opinion of science, this false knowledge automatically enters the AI, and thus leads to a misguidance of its users.
DesignYou is based on over 35 years of accumulated experience, from subject group studies with several thousand subjects, from coaching many thousands of clients over decades. DesignYou is also based on the development of its own software language, server and software system, which has been built and perfected over 12 years. With the digitization of this system, our mission is to take the quality of our coaching to the next level.
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