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mike erich
About me
So let me talk a little about myself. I am a former world class athlete in Triathlon, having won the title of world champion in Triathlon (Team – Military). Originally I studied to become a teacher, but right before graduation, I decided to become self-employed. I started as a gym owner, running three gyms in the end. I also wrote a couple of books. I am also a real estate developer in Germany, Austria and the US. And I have been a software developer with my own company for more than 20 years. I am also a father of 3 kids. So I am quite busy and I certainly do not have the time and leisure to follow a fitness geek or bodybuilding lifestyle. I am in my fifties, but I am in the best shape of my life, keeping my bodyfat down to around 5% the whole year, but not by dieting. To be honest with you – I eat what I want, and I exercise only to an extent, that is about the minimum you should do having a sedentary lifestyle.
Coaching thousands of people and doing a lot of medical research establishing our own labs for that, I found without doubt, that the the current theory of how the body works and especially the nutritional theory are flawed and I saw, that the current approach of training and dieting does not work for most people. Having coached a lot of trainers and coaches, I found that there capabilities were rather limited, and the better ones more or less only tried to impose their personal concept on the customer. This brought me to the conviction, that there was a great need for a digital personal coach, and I started it´s development in 2010. Aiming high, we went for a system to rebuild the working principle of the human mind, a software structured like a neuronal network, and for that, we developed our own software language. As a software developer I have learned the principle to thoroughly analyze and strip down any logic to the maximum abstract level, and then modularize it again. And this in turn I learned to apply to the human body and mind.
Coaching thousands of people and doing a lot of medical research establishing our own labs for that, I found without doubt, that the the current theory of how the body works and especially the nutritional theory are flawed and I saw, that the current approach of training and dieting does not work for most people. Having coached a lot of trainers and coaches, I found that there capabilities were rather limited, and the better ones more or less only tried to impose their personal concept on the customer. This brought me to the conviction, that there was a great need for a digital personal coach, and I started it´s development in 2010. Aiming high, we went for a system to rebuild the working principle of the human mind, a software structured like a neuronal network, and for that, we developed our own software language. As a software developer I have learned the principle to thoroughly analyze and strip down any logic to the maximum abstract level, and then modularize it again. And this in turn I learned to apply to the human body and mind.
In the past I had come across many incidents, where I experienced the extreme power of the mind and started to experiment with that, especially in strength exercises, like doing 100 deadlift reps in a row with 220 pound, or doing 100 squats with 245 pound. I do not really train to achieve that – most of what I do is meditation. I found, that by a holistic approach, you could reprogram your genes, and there is quite some scientific evidence as well on a cellular level as on the human body overall, that this is what acutally happens. The Corona crisis and the arbitrary legislation had me lose my gyms. So I decided to get rid of all the Software development dealing with gym management, service management and corporate health management we had developed and concentrate on the digital coach centered around mental coaching.
I currently live most of the time in the Austrian Alps and in Florida. At the core of my heart I am still a Coach and I love to help people achieve a much greater success, than they thought even remotely possible. Oftentime people come to me and ask me how I do it, or approach me the like that they say: You got such an immense knowledge, you gotta bring that out. So that´s what I decided to do. And therefore I would love to have you on the DesignYou program and experience the potentially greatest gain of all your life. Please feel invited to join DesignYou!
3% Bodyfat
No dieting, no bodybuilding
Mind over matter
Training your mind makes the difference
Eat what you like
Stay in top shape the whole year round anyway
I am 51 years old and keep my bodyfat down to around 5% the whole year, and that is without dieting or being a bodybuilder. I train only as much as you need on a minimum level to keep yourself healthy. I am more into Meditation. Let me show you a whole different approach, and you will reach your fitness and shape goals and much more much easier than you might have experienced.
Train the mind with the body and the body with the mind and unleash your real potential!
Follow Mike on Instagram & YouTube.
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